Eldur is an app designed for most convenient way of staying updated with electricity prices of the Nord Pool's Day Ahead Auction in Finland and Baltic states. With this app you can manage your energy consumption in a smart way which gives you a great chance to decrease its cost.
Prices in Eldur are shown for three day period - previous, current and the next day. Next day's prices are published every day at 14.30 in selected region's local time.
Current, average, minimum and maximum prices for selected day.
Set a reminder notification to the hour when prices change.
Different units
Choose between different price calculation units. Available units are c/kWh, €/kWh and €/MWh.
Display prices with or without VAT.
Please keep in mind that providing an in-depth analysis of historical market data is not a goal of this app. Eldur gives you only the data you absolutely need to make a smarter decisions in planning energy consumtion of your household during next day.
Prices shown in the app are market prices, which means that these are only one part of final price on your electric bill. Additional costs are depending from contract between you and your energy provider and can not be a part of this app. However, shown prices will give you a clear picture in which hour is consuming the electricity most affordable and when makes sense to limit it.
Last but not least - one of the key elements of the Eldur is the ability to set notification alerts in hours when prices will drastically change. And it requires only one tap in that hour to set it!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of this app?
Main and only reason of Eldur is to quickly access to current and oncoming Nord Pool market prices so you can regulate your electicity consuming and decrease costs.
What regions are covered?
Eldur shows price data for Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Why can I see prices only for three days?
Eldur is made to be as simple as possible. For making decisions of your electricity consuming you do not need any historical data. If you still need in-depth analysis of historical prices then best place to start is Nord Pool's website.
Why are the prices in the app and Nord Pool's website different?
In Nord Pool's website, the timezone is different than local time.
I noticed that some of the text in app is not translated correctly. Can I fix this?
Since any other than estonian isn't developer's native language, there may be wrongly translated strings in the app. If you want to help fixing that, then please use the contact form below and point out which exact string is wrong and what is it's correct translation. Then it may have fixed in next update.
Designed for iPhone, iPad and Mac
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